Bacterial Koi Medications » Aquatrol Acriflavine

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Aquatrol Acriflavine

Aquatrol AcriflavineAcriflavine is a compound yellow dye that has growth-inhibiting, or bacteriostatic activity. It has broad spectrum usage combining both antibacterial and antiparasitic properties.

Acriflavine has a low toxicity and is commonly used by shippers to prevent infection of wounds during fish transport.

Acriflavine works by combining with bacterial DNA and inhibiting its replication. Acriflavine is recommended for the treatment of external bacteria and protozoan infections. Caution should be used if treating a pond containing live plants.

As with all chemical treatments, activated carbon should be removed and aeration should be maintained during treatment period. A partial water change is recommended following the treatment period. Although toxicity is low, sensitivity to acriflavine may vary with species.

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